Despite the cold drizzle that blanketed Clarksville, the March 1st event distributed seedlings to approximately 263 Montgomery residents!20240301_101900

White Flowering Dogwood, Sweet Pecan, Persimmon, Bald Cypress, White Oak, Black Walnut, Virginia Pine, Shumard Oak and Overcup Oak were the offered species.

This event was made possible by the City of Clarksville, Montgomery UT Extension and the Montgomery County Soil & Water Conservation District with volunteers from the Clarksville Tree Board and Montgomery County Master Gardeners Association for the beautification and conservation of Clarksville-Montgomery!

Follow us for workshops, program signups, and more opportunities to continue to improve our county through agricultural conservation and education!  COMING SOON: BACKYARD CONSERVATION – BIRDHOUSES!!

About Montgomery County Soil & Water Conservation District

"Conserving Montgomery's soil and water resources through conservation management practices."
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